Tuesday, February 26, 2013

We Waste Too Much Time...

Jeremiah 32:40
I will make an everlasting covenant with them: I will never stop doing good for them. I will put a desire in their hearts to worship me, and they will never leave me.

God loves to do awesome things for us. Somewhere deep inside you whether you've found it or not He put a longing to worship Him with all your heart, without worrying about your everyday life and struggles, and while you abandon and surrender your heart to Him.
Do you know what that means? Pause a minute and think about what that means in your own words. What it means to abandon and surrender your heart to Him so that you may worship Him.
To me it means that you have to turn over every last little thing to Him. Every ounce of your life, your body, your mind, your heart, all to Him so that you can focus on His glory and what He has done for you, praising Him for all His many blessings.
That's pretty difficult to do on some things. That grudge you hold against someone from your past, or even now. Why are you still holding onto something that someone did to hurt you? Why? What good is it doing you? Does it not pull you down every single moment of your life? I know it is weighing heavy on you all the time. It is always hanging over your head. So why hold onto it? Forgive them so that you can move on with your life. So that you can move on with God, take the next step. I know I'm saying this like it's an easy thing to do, I know that it isn't easy. I know that it takes courage and everything in you to want to forgive someone who hurt you pretty badly, but 1. you have to do it because it is the right thing to do and it will help that person to also move on, and 2. it is so much better after you forgive them. You feel so much lighter. You can sometime even physically feel the release of tension in your body. 
I sort of drifted off topic there, but to abandon and surrender is to give up everything for Him. Jesus gave up His life for you, so why can't you let go of some mistakes or grudges so that you can focus on and be with Him.
He shows His love to us by giving us that desire to want Him more. To hunger for Him more and more everyday, in a way that you realize you cannot live without Him. You want Him so much that you just cannot stand yourself and you cannot help but to tell every person you know and pass by each day how awesome God is and how much He has done for you.
It's something you just have to work up to. It's not something you can just do one day. I'm still working at wanting Him that much all the time. I struggle too. Just because I write this blog and do my devotion everyday doesn't mean I'm perfect and great at living for God every single moment, and wanting Him every single moment. Sin is part of our nature, and yeah you'll slip up sometimes. I know I do. We aren't perfect, we just have to strive to be like Jesus every day and every moment. 
We have to find that desire He planted deep within us to want Him and to worship Him while we abandon our whole entire being to Him.

We worry too much. He has us. He isn't letting go, ever. His love for us is everlasting, great, and never changing. Whatever it is that you're going through right now. He knows. Whether it is the result of a poor choice or someone else's, He knows. He has a plan. He is always working on you and making you who He wants you to be. There are no coincidences, it's God. It is His plan. He has a plan. And you need not worry. He is holding your hand through every step. You just have to know that and depend on Him in every step. You don't need to worry about the future, you don't need to worry about the next hour. He has a plan. Just trust. And know that He is never letting go of you. You have to enjoy life for what it is, because you are wasting time worrying. And time here on earth is short. 

James 4:13-16 NLT
Look here, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we are going to a certain town and will stay there a year. We will do business there and make a profit.” How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s gone. What you ought to say is, “If the Lord wants us to, we will live and do this or that.” Otherwise you are boasting about your own plans, and all such boasting is evil.

We waste entirely too much time.

Psalm 32:8 NLT
The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.

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