Friday, February 8, 2013

Passion Over Just Living By the Rules

Psalm 73:25
Whom have I in heaven but you? 
I desire you more than anything on earth.

God gives us all we need to survive in this world. He gives us tons of things to enjoy everyday. Many days, however, we get caught up in being busy or being frustrated or upset or angry, and we miss what He is trying to show us. There are so many things we get to see every day that should awe us because of His wonder. For example, every day I get to see the mountains and surround scenery, absolutely beautiful. Some days I see them and think little of them, when I should be using them to remind myself that God is with me in all that I am doing. 
You can't just live by the rules in the Bible, believe all the right thinks, and practice that of a Christian life. You have to have passion for God. If you don't, that is where you'll find yourself upset, frustrated, and unfulfilled. He wants you to want Him above everything else. That is what He created you for.

Final Thought: What is keeping you from putting God absolutely first? What is keeping you from having a full lived up passion for Him?

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