Sunday, February 24, 2013

"I Will Enter in as You Open Your Life to Me"

Isaiah 40:3
Listen! It's the voice of someone shouting, "Clear the way through the wilderness for the Lord! Make a straight highway through the wasteland for our God!" 

"In your life there are valleys of crushing disappointment, mountains of pride, and uneven ground and rough places of wrong thinking. As you open your life to me, you will find that I fill in the valleys of sadness, bring down mountain strongholds of evil, and level out the rough places of your personality so that you can finally be who you want most deeply to be.
Your best days are still ahead. You have a future in Christ. And here's how you can prepare for it: Empty your hands of all the rival comforts and securities so you can take hold of me. Clear away the obstacles of unrelinquished resentments and unconfessed sin. Give me open access to your mind as you meditate on my Word, and to your heart as you nurture new affections for me. You don't have to be perfect for me to bless you. Christ was perfect on your behalf. But you do have to clear away obstacles and open yourself up to me."
-Nancy Guthrie, Abundant Life, Feb 25

We have to live our life in a way that God is leading. We have to learn to let go of the grudges and anger and past mistakes to move on, or so that God can help us to move on. The past is the past, you can't change it, it won't go away, but you can move past it and make the future better. Learn from mistakes. You will go through so many ups and downs in your life, some little, some bigger than you feel like you can handle, but that is what God is here for! We can't just push Him out of our lives, we have to be positive and brush the negativity off and move forward. He knows there are things that are holding you back and eating you up, holding onto those things will destroy you, and that isn't what you want. You can be living a way more awesome life with God leading every step of the way to new and different ways of living your life.

Final Thought: What grudges, anger, mistakes, etc. are you holding onto? Is it really worth it? Where are you getting to by holding onto that? What good is it doing you? 
Take time with God alone and pray and listen, asking Him to help you to let go of unnecessary baggage in your life. Carrying it around only makes the journey more difficult, painful, and miserable.

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