Friday, February 15, 2013

His House Has Become Your Home

Psalm 27:4 
The one thing I ask of the Lord -- the thing I seek most -- is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord's perfections and meditating in his Temple.

It brings God joy when we learn to look past all the distractions and temptations in the world and see Him and want more of Him. When we do this we learn that it brings us more joy and peace than anything else in this world can. 
We have to learn to sync up with God. He does things in His time and what He wants to happen. He has a great plan for us and we have to go with it. We have to put Him at the center of our lives and focus in on Him every single day. 
As you begin to make this a daily practice, you will see it isn't so much a chore as it is a privilege to be able to commune with God. DO NOT take advantage of your time with God and tell Him things that you want. And DO NOT make it a habit. Habits become dry and old and meaningless, mindless work. That is not what your time with God needs to be or become. He deserves the best from you. And you will see in spending this time with Him and focusing on Him you will receive more of what your heart desires most, Him.

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