Saturday, February 2, 2013

He is Our Feast

John 6:53
Jesus said again, "I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you cannon have eternal life within you."

The message I read today in Abundant Life was pretty deep and powerful; it definitely spoke to me. Here it is word for word, followed with my comments.

"In today's world it is cool to embark on a spiritual search, yet it is uncool to find me. But you have not only searched for me, you have found me and partaken of me. True belief in me is feasting on Christ, which is the most profound experience of the human soul. 
It's not enough to be inspired by Christ's beautiful life; you must find a feast of satisfaction in his substitutionary death. You must savor his death as your life. It is not just the example of Christ's life that you need to follow. It is Christ's death you must feast on. While his life may inspire you, only his death can liberate you.
This is the continental divide in the life of the should, the place where so many flounder and fall away. Christ must become as much a part of you as that which you eat. There must be a daily partaking, ingesting him into your life.
Jesus, I'm hungry, and nothing in this world can fill me. I will starve without you. But at your invitation I've come. I receive your dying love for me. You are enough for me…"
-Nancy Guthrie, AbundantLife, February 2

Like I said before, this message was very powerful for me. Even though I read my devotion every morning and blog, I don't think that is enough. Yes, I've been good at making it a habit and disciplining myself to do it every morning, but it's not enough. I need to feast more according to this message. Some days I will agree that I "flounder," and sometimes I do fall away only partially I guess, because I always come back and I always turn to God in the end. He has given me so many great opportunities in my life, many of which I've taken, many of which I over looked or shied away from. I depend on Him a lot of days, but sometimes I try to hard to do things on my own. Some days I pray less than others, I guess because my mind tells me I'm okay and don't need to. But that's not right. I am not fully feasting on Christ's death. I need to show that I am in every step of every day that I take. And I will admit that is not at all easy, it's very difficult to stay consistent in that. But you just have to keep on trying and pushing through. Everyone has that one thing that always comes back, that you're horrible at controlling and you always keep messing up. Perhaps your temper, or judgment of others. It's something you need to focus not directly on, but when you see it coming up, catch yourself. Have a verse or saying that reminds you who you want to be, and how much better off you are without doing said action.
We have to know that nothing on this earth can take the place of Jesus in our lives. Nothing can make you feel more fulfilled and happy. No worldly pleasure what so ever. Those are only temporary. Christ is eternal. 

"Christ must become as much a part of you as that which you eat. There must be a daily partaking, ingesting him into your life."

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