Friday, March 15, 2013


God is constantly trying to remind us of His Presence in our lives, His love for us, and to spend time with Him. 

Zephaniah 3:17 NLT 
For the Lord your God is living among you.
    He is a mighty savior.
He will take delight in you with gladness.
    With his love, he will calm all your fears.
    He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”

Lately I've not been as punctual, or perhaps that word is too constricting, um diligent in doing my quiet time every morning with God. Some days I find myself just reading both devotions and moving on, praying randomly throughout the day. That isn't my so called "norm." I want to get back to doing what I do best with every morning. I want to read the devotions every morning, pray, sit in silence, blog if I feel God lead me, read my Bible sometime in the afternoon. That is what I can do to make my day the best it can be, aside from staying positive as much as I can. And lately I've failed to do these things in my "normal" way. Even though I've had some pretty good days, they could have been better had I stayed super connected with God. I guess I've just sort of been drifting, not in the sense of drifting away, just sorta floatin' along. 
Today in both Abundant Life and Jesus Calling, God reminded me that He is always loving me no matter where I am at in my walk, whether I've fallen down or am sky high. He reminded me that it isn't about being "punctual," it is more about just living, and living with Him. A lot of the time we are more concerned with getting things done and staying on a schedule, and that isn't what is important. And we should not hold schedules to such a high place in our life. I am not saying that it is okay to be late everywhere you go, but getting stressed over sticking to a schedule also causes you to stress and get upset over little things. And by all that I am just saying that many of us miss out on important things and opportunities with God that are right in our face. We miss them because we are too focused on schedules, getting things done, and always working. We don't ever just chill out and go with the flow. If more people just relaxed and went with the flow a little more, then there would be a lot less stress in the world. Little kids are the best example of how we should live. They see the beauty in the little things that God provides. They notice things adults don't. Let God handle things. He loves you. Trust Him. Find your happiness in God. Live like a kid.

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