Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Valuable Lessons and Experiences

So, I know I didn't write about Jesus Calling today, but other than the fact that I just didn't have time, there might be another reason. Me sharing this.
This evening I had a truly amazing experience. I had to play for a Clarinet Class here at App, in other words, I had to play with a piano accompanist in front of other clarinet students. It has been a long while since I've played by myself in front of other people in this type of setting. So I was super duper nervous. I got to the music building to practice for a few minutes before I met to rehearse one last time with my accompanist. I got there and I started to get way nervous. I go in the practice room, warm up, play through my piece once on one reed, then once on another, decide on my reed, try to stay calm, and play through again. Then I thought of this horrifying memory of the 7th grade when we had to play a solo in front of the entire band class and I hyperventilated during mine and couldn't even finish. Following that an array of all the terrible things that could go wrong went through my head. So I stopped practicing. I went and sat down. Pulled myself together and waited for my accompanist to get there. So he gets there, and we go to rehearse. The piece kind of fell apart 2 or 3 times and I thought I was going to lose my mind and I was just going to crash and burn and be embarrassed. 
We get to the recital hall right after the first person finished their piece. I look at the list and I am 4th. So I sit and wait. I say to myself "God please please help me." I gather myself and walk up there for my turn. Once I stood up from my seat to walk up there I felt this overwhelming peace and love that I've only felt that strongly a few times in my life. I realized that I had just entrusted this task to God and that I was no longer in control. And it was the coolest thing ever!! I went up there confidently, warmed up, tuned, and took off. All the things I had messed up in rehearsal didn't happen. I didn't even mess up! I could feel God holding on to me the entire time all the way to the very last note! Once it was over I smiled really big at the audience and bowed and walked off with confidence knowing that God was and is always there. Once I took my seat in the audience I just sat there thanking God for that totally amazing experience and asked Him to help me apply that all the time in everything that I do! I could not stop thanking Him!
That was a very valuable lesson for me. It was really neat to see that God really can take over if you just trust Him. It was honestly one of the coolest things ever in my life! And I realized that I've got to start applying that to every aspect of my life.

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