Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Jesus Calling Dec 5th

This devotion really relates well to the experience I had last night that I wrote about below this post on my blog. 
Remember that His Presence is above all else. He is always hovering right with you. He wants you to learn and know that He is with you in all circumstances.
An example of this is in Genesis, when Jacob runs away from his brother and he dreams of Heaven and angels. He then realizes that God was with Him the whole time, and he didn't even know it. 
That is a prime example that relates to me last night and can relate to all of us every day. When you feel far away from God, call out "Surely the Lord is in this place!" Calling out to God is the best way to remind yourself that He is always right there.

Psalm 31:20 (NLT)
You hide them in the shelter of your presence,
    safe from those who conspire against them.
You shelter them in your presence,
    far from accusing tongues.

Genesis 28:11-16 (NLT)
11 At sundown he arrived at a good place to set up camp and stopped there for the night. Jacob found a stone to rest his head against and lay down to sleep. 12 As he slept, he dreamed of a stairway that reached from the earth up to heaven. And he saw the angels of God going up and down the stairway.
13 At the top of the stairway stood the Lord, and he said, “I am theLord, the God of your grandfather Abraham, and the God of your father, Isaac. The ground you are lying on belongs to you. I am giving it to you and your descendants. 14 Your descendants will be as numerous as the dust of the earth! They will spread out in all directions—to the west and the east, to the north and the south. And all the families of the earth will be blessed through you and your descendants. 15 What’s more, I am with you, and I will protect you wherever you go. One day I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have finished giving you everything I have promised you.”
16 Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I wasn’t even aware of it!”

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