Thursday, December 27, 2012

Jesus Calling Dec 27th

God is always trying to prepare you and help you be ready for what is ahead. Some people let Him, others choose to walk alone. The time you take to sit still in His Presence is time that He is strengthening you. When we get busy we need to spend even more time with Him, yet many of us ignore that fact. A lot of people think they can live without that time spent with God, and its not true. Those people just move along on their own without the strength of God. We only have so much strength alone, and you can only get so far on that. Eventually you will find yourself on your knees begging God for help. So that does not happen all you have to do is spend some time with God every day. Yes, you will still have ups and downs in your life, but you are much less likely to trip and fall in the ditch rather than hoping over it. When you walk with Him and spend quiet time with Him that helps you to take life at a slower pace, never rushing anything, because you're on God's time.
So just think about your two choices. Walk alone, become weak, and eventually fall or walk with Him and remain strong in Him.

Isaiah 64:4 (NLT)
For since the world began,
    no ear has heard
and no eye has seen a God like you,
    who works for those who wait for him!

John 15:5 (NLT)
“Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.

Psalm 36:9 (NLT)
For you are the fountain of life,
    the light by which we see.

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