Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Jan 2nd, 2012 AbundantLife

John 1:16 (NLT)
From his abundance we have all received one gracious blessing after another. 

Think about that verse. I'm sure its true for you whether you realize it or not. Many of us overlook the blessing God gives us each and every day. We sometimes get wrapped up in the ways of the world that we forget to stop and look. When you ask God to bless you, He isn't just going to make it better, He is going to jump right smack in the middle of everything. It's what you asked for, isn't it? You wanted Him to make it better, didn't you? Well there He is! You just opened the door wide and He hopped right in. He loves when we ask Him for blessings and help. That doesn't mean though that you won't still have struggles or rough spots or sad times. Those things all happen for a reason, because of something He has planned for you. Something He wants to teach you, or the direction He wants you to go. Being blessed means that through all of that you will see Him looking upon your face and telling you how it is going to be completely alright. You will feel the comfort of Him in your life. 

Final Thought: Think about the blessings everyday in your life. Keep your eyes open to what God is doing in your life. God is full of surprises and blessings.

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