Tuesday, January 15, 2013

God Fights for You

Exodus 14:14 
The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.

You know that feeling you get when you see all the terrible stories in the media, on the news and in the paper? Stories of shootings, rape, assault. All the temptations kids go through in school these days. Let me tell you, there is a whole lot more pressure on kids than you probably think. It's all about how other people perceive you. And there are so many kids with low self-esteem issues because of that. If you don't fit in with the "cool kids" and you can't find anyone else to stick to, well then you have it really rough. Aside from that to be a "cool kid" you might have to change your ways, break your morals to do something because of the amount of pressure you have put on you. Kids just want to be liked and accepted, because it is a tough trial to be alone in this world. 
Think about how messed up this world we live in is. You think where is God? Why is this happening? Why are we living here? Is the world even safe? 
God is in this with us. He is here for us. He is standing in front of us fighting off the evil one. Protecting us from the world. He isn't protecting the world from the world, He is protecting you from the world. Yeah, you will still be exposed to a lot of harsh  things. But we have God to hang onto, and He is bigger than all of that. 
But then you might be thinking, why does God let these bad things happen? …That is always a huge question. He doesn't let these things happen, but He will always be there amongst them. "He makes all things work together for our good."

Final Thought: What battles are you fighting right now? Big or small it would take a lot off your shoulders if you just let God have it, let Him fight it, and trust Him with it.

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