Monday, January 21, 2013

I Will Bring You Back into My Garden

The devotion that I read today in "Abundant Life" (by Nancy Grace, on page 21) doesn't have a whole lot to interpret or analyze, it is more so just thought provoking in the sense that you might be thinking about your own life, sins you've committed, and what is to come ahead. It is a devotion that makes you question yourself and realize the need to be thankful more than it would help for me to explain things or tell you how to do something.
So I'm going to post the whole devotion that I read this morning, that I am thankful to God for. Inserting [what I have to say], like so.

"I Will Bring You Back into My Garden
[before reading on, think about what that title might mean. where is He bringing us back from? What have you done to be away from the garden? think about what scripture it will relate to.]
The Lord God planted a garden in Eden in the east, and there be placed the man he had made. The Lord God made all sorts of trees grow up from the ground -- trees that were beautiful and that produced delicious fruit. In the middle of the garden he placed the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. 
Genesis 2:8-9

Long ago I plated a garden in Eden, a place where those I created could enjoy the richness of beauty and satisfaction and, most of all, unfettered relationship with me. And ever since Adam and Eve traded the perfect blessing of the pure Garden, I've been at work to bring you back. Christ came to put an end to the Curse, and when he comes again, the Curse will be gone for good. Then you'll be brought back to the bounty and blessings of a garden paradise where nothing will ever come between us again. 

Great Giver of all that is good, how I long for the day when I will enjoy all of the goodness and bounty you've prepared for those who love you…."

Okay, think about that. Think about how thankful we need to be to Christ for coming to help save us from "the Curse" and the evil one who is always scheming. We have to hang on to Christ in all that we do so that we can beat him out, the evil one, because he is so sneaky and sly in his traps. A lot of times you don't even see something coming and next thing you know you're begging for forgiveness. You weren't hanging on tight enough to Christ. You have got to stop and question yourself when something comes up so that you can see clearly the right path to take.

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