Monday, August 27, 2012

Jesus Calling August 27th

God can make anything better. Spend time with Him so He can brighten your day. He makes the same old boring routine stuff shine! He gives you new opportunities. When you do the same thing everyday it can seem like nothing is getting better and your mind is scooting away from what really matters. Then you become unfocused, and that makes it easier for your mind to slip away into the darkness of the world. It pulls you away from God, and you have to bring yourself back. Call out to Jesus! The worst of days can bring the best of results if you just follow His lead. He is always with you!

Psalm 119:105-112 (MSG)
By your words I can see where I'm going; 
      they throw a beam of light on my dark path. 
   I've committed myself and I'll never turn back 
      from living by your righteous order. 
   Everything's falling apart on me, God
      put me together again with your Word. 
   Festoon me with your finest sayings, God
      teach me your holy rules. 
   My life is as close as my own hands, 
      but I don't forget what you have revealed. 
   The wicked do their best to throw me off track, 
      but I don't swerve an inch from your course. 
   I inherited your book on living; it's mine forever— 
      what a gift! And how happy it makes me! 
   I concentrate on doing exactly what you say— 
      I always have and always will.

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