Friday, July 6, 2012

Thoughts from July 4th Jesus Calling

We are supposed to worship God with all of our heart and being. We are supposed to worship Him in truth. Some people don't get that, and that is sad. Really sad. There are people that think it counts as worshipping to show up to church once or twice a week. But that's not it. They don't get it. Worship doesn't have to be in a service with a congregation, it is just everyday, everything you do you can worship Him. There are three definitions of worship that I would like to point out
1. worship - noun - a feeling of profound love and admiration
2. worship - verb - love unquestioningly and uncritically or to excess
3. worship - verb - show devotion to (a deity)
Yeah there is a definition that says "attending a religious service, but that is at the very bottom of the list of definitions. 
Worship is a 24/7 deal. You do it through everything. We are supposed to glorify God in all that we do.
He hears our praises in Heaven whether we realize it or not! We are to express gratitude and thanks all the day long! He blesses us so much and so richly in all that we do. Worshipping Him will gain us even more of His Joy, Peace, and Presence.


  1. Caroline, this is great stuff. I'd like to share the definition of worship that I use: "Worship is the attitude of my heart express in the activities of my life". To me this means, the view of God I have in my heart, my attitude toward God and what He's done for me, is expressed in my actions, my daily activity. If I'm doing something for someone out of compassion, that is worship because that action was a result of the love God has for me. I believe anytime we share God's love with others, that too, is an act of worship!

  2. That is another super cool what to look at it!! Thanks!!
