Thursday, July 12, 2012

Jesus Calling Thoughts July 12

There are so many times when we feel lost in our day. To stand back up on your feet, just whisper Jesus' name and He will help you back up.
So many people just carelessly throw His name around. And that is not okay. The creator of the universe and His son deserve proper respect. They do no deserve to have their name used as an exclamation that you say when you mess up or hurt yourself. The English language has 1013913 words (well as of January). Can you not pick another word to say in place of God or Jesus when you get angry? If it is a habit. Break it. Pick one word to replace it and think next time before you speak.
When we come back to Him by whispering His sweet name, He relaxes. It makes Him feel better because He knows you are not totally astray. Speaking "Jesus" takes over all of the other ugly words of the world. It is way above those, it cannot compete.
When you call His name out in trust, you are blessed even more.

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