Thursday, April 23, 2015

Grudges over Small Stuff

We all get mad or frustrated about little things, but some of us tend to over react and hold onto those small things for entirely too long. Think of a recent time when someone else did something that got on your nerves, got it? How long did you stay mad? Was it something that the other person could help doing or was it just an accident? Was it something within your control? Why were you even mad and why did you hold onto it?
Every 60 seconds you are angry, you lose a whole entire minute of happiness. We have got to stop stressing about stuff that is out of our control. What good is it doing? It is literally going to kill you. High and often stress is linked to shorter life. So what's the point?
I'm not pointing fingers at anyone here, because I do this more often than I realize. But we have to stop and think before we lash out at someone, because is it worth all the anger and tension? We are all just too worked up about things. Worked up about plans going just perfectly. It all just doesn't matter that much. Just go with the flow y'all. You can't worry about things as much as you do. You can't stress, because it will ALWAYS be okay, I promise you that. Because God is in charge.
Philippians 4:6-7 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

All those things are so tiny in the grand scheme of your life and of the world. It just doesn't matter that much.

So here is the challenge: take all the little things you get mad about in your life and replace them with little nice things.
Example: You get mad at a person for cutting you off on the road or there was a lot of unexpected traffic putting you an hour behind getting to your vacation destination (it was out of your control, being mad at it WILL NOT CHANGE ANYTHING for the better, it will only create a negative mood for you and everyone around you, which is not good)
So, you should replace that anger with something like surprising your friend by cooking an unplanned meal for your friend after you know they have had a hard day or asking the waiter(ess) in a restaurant for another person's check, and pay for it
The element of surprise works wonders in making another person's day. And that happy you shared with them will continue along and they will share it with someone else.

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